Shot Put

The shot put is all about power, technique, and timing. Building explosive strength, mastering the glide or rotational technique, and improving your release mechanics in order to maximize distance. Work on key components like proper stance, balance, and shoulder and hip coordination, alongside strength training and explosive power drills.

Shot Put Articles


Proper Cleaning and Storage of Throwing Implements


Written by Rob Lasorsa, M-F Athletic, National Throws Coaches Association

Fully clean each implement. Probably the best product to use is CLR, especially if you are dealing with some rust spots. WD-40 is also a fairly good cleaning agent, specifically on discus plates....


Basic Shot Put Preliminaries, Power Position, Delivery, and Follow-Through


Written by Tony Dziepak, Track & Field Enthusiast

I teach my throwers to grab the shot put with both hands, fingers interlocked, with the entire inside surface of all fingers of both hands in contact with the shot. Fingers are interlocked with the sides of each finger...