The First Place Competitor Pole Vault Pit features the GPH Design- eliminating the usual troublesome seams directly behind the Plant Box reducing the risk of injury.
About First Place Competitor Pole Vault Pits:
- Quality Plus Safety! This pole vault pit meets the National High School Federation Rules.
- Overall Size: 19'9" wide (back), 16'6" wide (front), 20'5" long, and 28" high
- There is 16'6" behind the plant box and a 10' wide x 8' deep vinyl coaches box sewn onto the top pad.
- 2" foam top pad comes standard with the pit for added safety.
- Includes the First Place Foam Drainage Insert.
- Custom logo's are available!
First Place Pole Vault Pits have the best guarantees in the industry:
- FANTASTIC 15 year warranty. Lifetime guarantee on handles and straps.
First Place Pits use the best materials in the industry:
- 21 oz. knife coated vinyl with 16 oz. liquid urethane spread on the outside. This totals 37 oz. material.
- These pits are made of THREE DENSITIES of foam, which makes them more long lasting than other pits. (Foam, by its nature naturally breaks down and degenerates over time whether you use it or not. By using 3 densities, our pits will last longer than others).
- By far the strongest materials available in the industry go into First Place Pits.
Additional Information:
Special GPH Design and Drainage Insert